28 January 2012

Today's Breakfast!

 This morning I was craving a nice cream cheesy lox & bagel breakfast, but common sense prevailed.  The common sense that if I indulged in the fishy, cheesy, carbohydrate-laden goodness I would pretty much have to eat nothing but carrot sticks and purified air for the rest of the day to meet my dietary requirements nipped that idea in the bud.  Also, I had no bagels and even with coffee my motivation levels before noon aren't yet at their peak.  In fact, they're so faint, it's hard to tell I have any motivation at all unless you've seen me groggily diligently wading through rescue stuff in my mismatched charming and perfectly coordinated pajamas glamourous nightwear.

Okay... enough strikethroughs.  I went a wee bit overboard, there...

Back to breakfast!  So... instead of gaining back the 5 lbs. I recently lost all in one meal, I ate THIS instead.
  • 2 oz. grav lax (smoked salmon with lemon & dill, basically)
  • a big handful of spring mix greens
  • 2 hard-cooked eggs, diced
  • some raw onion, sliced
  • about 1/4 of a cucumber, also sliced
  • tiny pinch of salt spinkled on cucumbers & egg pieces
  • lots of freshly ground pepper!

Nutrition Information
Calories - 263
Fat - 14g
Carbs - 10g
Protein - 25g
Sugar - 3g
Sodium - 610mg
Iron - 19mg

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