While trying to get myself into the habit of "writing daily, writing ANYTHING daily" I am a self-admitted sneaky weasel and I look for ways to cut corners. Wordless Wednesday is one of them (although I mostly forget to do use that cheat move). Now I have become aware of "Fill In The Blank Fridays" on a charming blog called the little things we do, which I found via some way or other earlier today. Maybe via Pinterest, maybe via another blog. I can't remember. The point is this is FUN and it's not entirely cheating. Also, it's not Friday, but who cares?
1. If money wasn't an issue, the first thing I'd cross of my life list is buying a house with several acres, fully & securely fenced for the dogs .
2. Crackers & pickles & cheese is something I like that other people think is weird.
3. If my life were a movie right now, the title would be Year of the Dog .
4. Three things I am looking forward to this month are Willow and Baylee getting adopted (I hope!), seeing my friend LeeAnne Savage in concert, & seeing the results of my diet/exercise/meditation/lifestyle continue to blossom !
5. My favorite song to sing in the shower is "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell .
6. If I found out that the production of Pond's Cold Cream was ending this month, I'd go out and buy as much as I could tomorrow.
7. One thing I'll never grow tired of is watching the sun set each night; no matter where I am, it is always a unique composition of light and colour .